The song Superstar was originally titled Ode To A Superstar. My cousin Gordon (GT Sullivan) had written the lyrics and gave them to me on a visit to his home. We grew up writing songs together in our teenage years and he would write lyrics from time to time and give me a batch when we got together. It’s kind of ironic that we wrote Superstar the way Elton John and Bernie Taupin wrote songs, with Bernie writing lyrics and then having Elton putting them to music. I say ironic because Superstar was in no way written with Elton in mind.

I think the song was written back in 1974 and would become part of my band’s set list, usually as an opener. I remember the drummer would play it on his toms to help drive it. It fit right in when we played it at CBGB back in 1975. The drums changed when I went out to LA in 1981 and recorded a new version of the song with drummer Greg Thomas, who had worked with Neil Young and Leon Russell. He played it with a more straight forward groove, which I really liked. The song had always been a guitar rocker. Greg had Mike Finnigan (CSNY & Bonnie Raitt) put an organ part on it but it didn’t really do much for the track.
Fast forward 40 years…I had recently moved and was putting my computer together and listening to my iTunes library. One of the songs I came across was the 1981 recording of Superstar. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that great groove from Greg and I made it part of a playlist I put together of songs I was planning to record. The more I heard the song the more I seriously thought about recording it with drummer Steve Holley and bassist Paul Page. My wife commented to me what a cool song it was and I should record it. So I decided to include it as part of the demos I sent to Steve and Paul when I was planning to go into the studio.

So it’s January 2022 and I’m cutting tracks with Steve and Paul at Shorefire Studios for what will become the AmeriKarma album. When it comes time to track Superstar, Steve, as he always does, tells me the tempo of the demo. It’s really fast and I say I could do it a bit slower which Steve seems to be more comfortable with. So we try it at a few different speeds and settle on one that feels good to me. It’s a straight ahead punk rocker, the way it was written. I haven’t changed a thing to the song in over 40 years.
It’s not until I’m listening to a playback and it comes to the breakdown part after the first chorus, for some reason, Elton John pops into my head. I can see him getting up from behind his piano and strutting across the stage to the groove like I’d seen him do on many occasions in concert. Elton John? Really?? Now I start thinking about Elton and his music. I’m a huge Elton John fan, having been there at the start when he hit in 1970 and seeing him at The Fillmore East in NYC opening for Leon Russell. Superstar is not an Elton John song but the more I hear the track, the more I’m thinking about how Elton would play it.

I had keyboard wiz Jeff Levine coming in for a session and told him to think of Elton’s song Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting as an approach for Superstar. Both songs are guitar based and I believe Elton didn’t even want to play piano on his track. He had to be talked into it! Jeff got into it right away and laid down a piano track very fitting of Elton. Jeff’s playing is as close to Elton’s style as you can get. It made me have to think about how I could make the track more like Elton. I hadn’t changed my guitar parts one iota, so I needed something else.
It happened when I was laying down my vocals. As I was listening to the playbacks I started to think about Elton’s vocals. It occurred to me that he always had harmonies and background parts that were like hooks in themselves. That was it! I needed to come up with a background part on the chorus. So I told my engineer Joe DeMaio I wanted to try a background vocal and went into the studio and basically came up with a part on the spot. I added a harmony to it and when it was mixed together with the lead vocal I had my Elton John track.
One of the weirdest things that ever happened to me in a recording studio happened to me as I was overdubbing a lead guitar part on my 1960s Gretsch Tennessean (the one that George Harrison used with The Beatles at Shea Stadium). I was almost finished with the part when the bridge of the guitar started to slip under the strings. I thought it was because of the Bigsby tailpiece but I wasn’t using it. Joe came rushing into the studio to try and help me get the bridge back under the strings and we came very close to doing it. I decided to put the guitar in its case and let guitar tech extraordinaire Billy Penn work his magic on it.
I figured it was my 1964 Strat that had sabotaged the Gretsch so that I would have to use it since I had it on hand that day. 🙂 It was very weird! After laying down some more tracks with the Strat, Superstar was finished. Listening back in the control room I could hear flashes of Mark Bolan (T-Rex) and even David Bowie. How odd I thought. Back in the early 70s, Bolan was the king of Glam Rock in the UK, playing with both Elton and Bowie. Nearly 50 years after writing the song I could hear all 3 influences in the track!

I started doing 3 different mixes but it was obvious I had to focus on Elton as the main mix. Besides the piano I really focused on Steve’s snare. I always felt that the drum sound was a key element to the song like the guitars, so I made sure the drums were slamming. Besides writing the song like Elton and Bernie would, the other irony was that Steve Holley had recorded with Elton in the early 80s. So the stage was set. I would release Superstar as a single in October of 2022 with the To Sir Elton With Love Mix as the Radio single and for the release I added the Guitar Mix to show the way the song was played in 1975.

The song received a great reaction from Radio with over 150 stations around the world playing it. Superstar (To Sir Elton With Love Mix) has also become the most streamed song in the DownTown Mystic catalog. I think part of the reason is that it has a vibe that hasn’t been around in a long time. So Elton, if you’re out there and read this, please know that the track was created out of love for a musical hero of mine. I tried to make it as close to one of your songs as possible and I think you’re the only one who could do it better. 🙂